Take these 6 actions immediately if you get scammed

Big Nehe (Content Guru)
4 min readMar 7, 2023


It’s 2023 and scammers are still on the prowl. It can happen to anyone. Have you or anyone you know been scammed? Here are 6 key things to do if you have been scammed.

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Let’s get started.

1. Don’t negotiate with the scammer.

Block the scammer and move on. Attempting to beg, guilt trip, or play mind games with the scammer won’t work. You should immediately cease all communication with the scammer because no amount of angry messages or threats is going to make them give you your money back. The scammer might even try to scare you into making more payments. it is better to block all communication channels than to continue being in touch and risk more exploitation. Focus your energy on seeking the right kind of help such as the next set of steps below.

2. Know that it’s not the end of the world.

This too shall pass. It’s important to compose yourself. Don’t panic or get angry. It can seem like everything has to be fixed as soon as possible but sometimes taking a breath can help put things in perspective. It may help to talk to family or friends. Just make sure you talk to someone. A trusted friend that won’t mock you or an internet friend can help. If you’re feeling depressed or suicidal, please do not hesitate to dial any of these hotlines here.

Nearly everybody gets scammed at least once. It is not something to be ashamed of. Scammers are adept at manipulating and taking advantage of unsuspecting people. They exploit people who trust them the most. There is no need to feel embarrassed or guilty. You are the victim in this case and aren’t the first person to get scammed.

3. Report the scam.

Report the scam here, here and here. The more places you file your complaints the greater the chance of this scammer being brought to justice. Get legal help against the scammer and prevent others from falling into the same trap that you did. You will find it cathartic to share your experience with others. There are also specialized anti cybercrime agencies to help people in your situation. Not only can you help stop the scammers by informing them but they can also provide you with support on what to do with helpful resources.

4. Do not be quick to search for the help of recovery companies immediately after the scamming incident.

Most recovery platforms are scammers who will try to exploit your vulnerable state to scam you even further. If you must try the recovery route, wait a few weeks. Even genuine recovery platforms are expensive and there are no guarantees you will ever recover your funds. It’s probably cheaper to move on after a scam. Note that once you have fallen for a scam, your name may be on a sucker list shared among scammers and other fraudsters might try to approach you, sometimes stating they want to help you get your money back. Only seek help through the right channels and never share any personal or financial information with strangers.

5. Change your passwords and inform your bank or credit card company.

If you believe you’ve given personal details or financial information to the scammer, make sure to change your passwords and inform your bank or credit card company. Scammers with access to your personal accounts might contact people in your list and try to scam them too by impersonating you. Secure your accounts and inform your bank credit card company as fast as possible to prevent the scammer from taking anymore of your money or accessing your personal accounts.

Also, contact the payment provider if you have been a victim of a scam. It is important you get in contact with the payment provider /company or banking institution involved in the transaction. They will have a dedicated fraud advisor who will be best equipped to help you. There is often a chance you can get your money back. There might already be complaints made by others against the same scammer. Credit card companies and banks are well aware that online scams are commonplace and will assist you provided you share the required information such as proof of purchase.

6. Learn from your experience.

Most importantly, learn from your experience and help others do the same. A great way to start is to share this article with as many of your friends as possible.

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Since the number one reason most people fall for a scam is in pursuit of genuine passive income, let me share with you these top passive income opportunities. Click here

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